Marilyn Connolly

A True Wyoming Conservative

Republican for House District 40

Keeping Wyoming Focused on Community

  • Local Roots and Dedication

    Marilyn is a Wyoming native and long-time Johnson County resident. She is a former Johnson County Commissioner with 20 years of involvement in the Johnson County Republican party.

  • Fiscal Responsibility

    Marilyn understands the importance of fiscal responsibility and prioritizing needs over wants in budgeting. Her experience serving on local boards and committees shows she knows how to stick to a tight budget.

  • Proactive Policymaking

    Marilyn believes in proactive legislative action, advocating for policies that address local community needs and protect Wyoming’s interests.

  • Family and Community Focus

    Raising her children in Buffalo as a single mother and grandmother of 10, Connolly understands the importance of forward-thinking policies that support families and keep them in Wyoming.

I am running for the State House because as a life-long community member I understand the issues that matter to our small towns in Wyoming.

Together, with my fellow community members we have worked to find solutions. I am the right person at the right time to support the voices of House District 40.”

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